Free School introductory first class is on St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne Tuesday 3 March 7.00 - 9.00 pm
*the theme for this class is centered around the notion of 'Free'.
"That government is best which governs least" Henry David Thoreau.
Civil Disobedience (Resistance to Civil Government)
first published in 1849
the reading for this class is "100 Ways to disappear and life free", 1972 (revised 1985) Eden Press - reading in full will be emailed to students
"Anyone who uses an alternate identity needs to know all the "side effects" as well as ways of using it safely. This book covers many of the problem areas of establishing a new identity. Included are many tips on achieving privacy, keeping kids out of public schools, avoiding fingerprinting, using P.O. boxes and checks, finding employment-all in a new name. Lots of sound advice for greater privacy with mail and phone, avoiding potential hassles with cops and neighbors, and much more. Absolutely "must" reading for privacy seekers."
see also
*Vanishing Point: How to disappear in America without a trace

"The formal rules provide a way for strangers to take on a simple task together."